martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015


Serie Aizea-viento-wind
Acuarela sobre papel fabriano 300 gr montado sobre bastidor
100x165 cm 2015

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi ricardo,
    A great painting. A disturbing subject many would not want to confront.
    The captive rogue elephant, maybe from the circus? We like to contain nature but at great expense to both, us and the animal.
    The bullet holes in the elephant, the end of his trunk of the hand and gun...

    Not all art has to be of the pleasant subject and pretty to view.
    Keep painting...

    Salut Ricardo,
    Une grande peinture. Un sujet dérangeant beaucoup ne voudrait pas affronter.
    L'éléphant solitaire en captivité, peut-être du cirque? Nous aimons la nature, mais de contenir à grands frais à la fois, nous et l'animal.
    Les trous de balles dans l'éléphant, la fin de son tronc de la main et un pistolet ...
    Pas tout art doit être du sujet agréable et joli à voir.
    Gardez la peinture ...

    1. Of course that art does not always to show nice things. There are more examples of hard art within art history. The art conveys ideas and feelings, and is the history and life that makes up the art. And life is not easy. The world is dramatic.
        I use animals as a metaphor for human beings. In this case the elephant may represent a continent. And the gun shoot flies ....
      Keep painting

      Por supuesto que el arte no tiene que mostrar siempre cosas agradables. Hay mas ejemplos de arte duro dentro de la historia del arte. El arte transmite ideas y sentimientos, y es la historia y la vida la que compone el arte. Y la vida no es facil. El mundo es dramatico.
      Utilizo los animales como metafora de ser humano. En este caso el elefante puede representar un continente. Y la pistola dispara moscas....

  2. Hola Ricardo! Yes, I am still out here in blog land enjoying your wonderful blog and art! Love all your latest works! Always makes me very happy to visit your blog! Take care my friend! Michael aka Miguel

    1. I am happy you visit my blog Michael. Miguel in Spanish and Mikel in Basque ... I always like your attitude towards life and art.
      Your friend artist in Spain
